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Dhammapada Stories Series

About Dhammapada

The Dhammapada is one of the fifteen books of the Minor Collection (Khuddaka Nikāya) in the Sutta Piṭaka of the Pāli Canon (Tipiṭaka), and is one of the best-known canonical books. It consists of 423 verses preached by the Buddha during 299 incidents.

The Dhammapada enshrines the basic tenets of the Buddha's Teaching. Each verse is inspiring, leads to wholesomeness, and is indeed the true teaching of the wise.

Do no evil, cultivate good, purify one's mind, this is the teaching of the Buddhas.
~ Dhammapada verse 183 ~

As the Buddha’s sons and daughters, the four-fold disciples (male and female monastics; laymen and laywomen), we benefit from these Dhamma verses.

Though only for a moment, when a wise associate with a wise,
Quickly he understands the dhamma, just as the tongue can tastes the flavor of the soup.
~ Dhammapada verse 65 ~

Through the picture books, we respectfully present the Dhammapada, the Buddha’s Verses of Wisdom, and we hope that you and the children around the world will like it.

He who drinks the dhamma lives happily with a purified mind,
The wise man ever delights in the dhamma as taught by the Noble One.

~ Dhammapada verse 79 ~

Besides introducing the historical background of Buddhism, may the Dhammapada serve as a guide of moral conduct to the way you lead your personal life, in accordance to the Buddha’s teaching:

A Bhikkhu who is full of joy and delight in the teaching of the Buddha,
will attain stage of peace, cessation of formations and happiness of Nibbāna.

~ Dhammapada verse 381 ~

In order to gain happiness in this life and the next lives, may all of us attain the path (magga) and fruition (phala) and be free from the cycle of death and rebirth through striving diligently to finally attain pure and eternal bliss of Nibbāna.

Last but not least,

Pleasant is the rise of the Buddhas, pleasant is the teaching of the true dhamma,
Pleasant is the unity in the Sangha, the devotion of a person being in unity is pleasant.

~ Dhammapada verse 194 ~

Buddhasāsanaṃ ciraṃ tiṭṭhatu!
May the Buddha’s dispensation be long lasting!

Dhammapada Picture Book that we have produced:

D119-120 Anāthapiṇḍikasetthi Vatthu “The Rich Merchant and the Guardian Deity of His House”