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Showing posts from November, 2021

Dhammapada Stories Series

About Dhammapada The Dhammapada is one of the fifteen books of the Minor Collection (Khuddaka Nikāya) in the Sutta Piṭaka of the Pāli Canon (Tipiṭaka), and is one of the best-known canonical books. It consists of 423 verses preached by the Buddha during 299 incidents. The Dhammapada enshrines the basic tenets of the Buddha's Teaching. Each verse is inspiring, leads to wholesomeness, and is indeed the true teaching of the wise. Do no evil, cultivate good, purify one's mind, this is the teaching of the Buddhas. ~ Dhammapada verse 183 ~ As the Buddha’s sons and daughters, the four-fold disciples (male and female monastics; laymen and laywomen), we benefit from these Dhamma verses. Though only for a moment, when a wise associate with a wise, Quickly he understands the dhamma, just as the tongue can tastes the flavor of the soup. ~ Dhammapada verse 65 ~ Through the picture books, we respectfully present the Dhammapada, the Buddha’s Verses of Wisdom, and we hope that you and the chil